Rules – Open

  1. This active chess tournament, in which each player will have 10 minutes per game with 3 extra seconds per play, will be played by Swiss System to nine rounds on15th March 2025.
  2. The venue for the tournament will be the Ikastola Paz de Ziganda (Villava, Navarra).
  3. The schedule of the game rounds will be as follows:
    • 1st  Round – 10:30, 2nd Round – 11:15, 3rd  Round – 12:00
    • 4th  Round – 12:45, 5th  Round – 13:30, 6th  Round – 17:00
    • 7th  Round – 17:45, 8th  Round – 18:30, 9th  Round – 19:15
  4. The double absence of a player or an unjustified absence will cause their elimination from the tournament. It will be Organization’s decision whether to eliminate the player who does not appear in the first round. It is considered absence to a game to reach to the board with more than 5 minutes of delay on the start of the game.
  5. A player could request up to 3 byes (the player is not paired and is rewarded with 0.5 points) for rounds 1-7. A bye for a particular round must be requested before the previous round is finished. In case the bye were for round 1, it must be requested during the registration process.
  6. For the first round pairings, players will be ranked according to their rapid international rating. If they do not have rapid FIDE rating, then according to standar FIDE, FEDA or regional rating and, lastly, in alphabetical order.
  7. During the course of the first round, four players will be appointed to serve on the Appeal Committee, two of whom will serve as alternates for those conflicts in which a holder is involved.
  8. Any claim to an arbitration award shall be addressed to the Appeal Committee in writing and not later than 5 minutes after the end of the round in which the disputed event occurred. The decisions of the said Committee will be firm for all purposes.
  9. The Appeals Committee will be composed of:
    • Two starters and two alternates.
    • The Tournament Director (alternate: organization representative), who will act as President.
  10. No analysis will be allowed in the game room.
  11. Participants are advised to notify an arbitrator when they are away from the game room during their matches.
  12. Pairs, which will be done with computer software, will be displayed in the game room.
  13. Claims to the pairing will only be taken in case the item subject to the claim involves (this claim must be done no more than five minutes after it has been made public):
    • Facing the same rival for the second time
    • Play the same color for the third consecutive time (except in the last round)
    • Play with one color three times more than with the other (except in the last round).
  14. The registration fee must be paid to the organizers before or during the first round, and the participants who do not comply with this requirement can be eliminated from the tournament.
  15. Ties in the final classification will be solved by the following systems and in the order they are expressed:
    1. Bucholz excepting the worst rival
    2. Average rating performance of opponents.
    3. Total Bucholz.
    4. Number of victories.
  16. Prizes will be awarded in full according to the position occupied in the final classification. In the event that a player obtains more than one prize, he / she will waive any minor prize(s). In case the prizes were of the same amount, the prize of greater entity will be delivered (higher to lower entity: main prize, women, Navarre, Elo).
  17. This tournament will be governed by the in force regulations of the F.I.D.E. All participants are subjected to these regulations during the course of the competition.
  18. This tournament will be valid for rapid FIDE ELO.
  19. Participants in the tournament authorize the publication of their relevant personal data (lists of results, classifications, participants, games, etc.) in the different media that the organization deems appropriate for the necessary dissemination of the event.
  20. The organization reserves the right to refuse any registration.
  21. Registration in the tournament implies acceptance of the present rules.
  22. These rules and the information in the web are valid except for typographical errors.